A full year : 2019

Two thousand nineteen was a big step for me. It was as if I finally stepped fully into photography and truly got to live out the phrase “do what you love”. A job that is truly a blessing. Photography is so rewarding, whether it’s because of the excited response of a client or being asked to capture a special moment in someone’s life.

This was a full year indeed. I photographed amazing companies, beautiful seniors, talented vendors, and mission trips. I photographed first birthdays, family’s reunited, siblings laughing, and families who sent their loved ones off to serve. I photographed couples newly engaged, anniversaries, and those just plain in love. I photographed more weddings than I ever thought i’d have the honor to. Weddings with an end to long distance relationships, teary parents, second chances, tropical destinations, sentimental speeches, and grand exits. I am beyond grateful to God our Father for giving me this ability and blessing me with amazing clients, who even more so are friends. Thank you ahead of time for scrolling through my favorite images of 2019.

P.S. You’ll notice my love for all the mother’s day sessions that happened this year and actually all my gorgeous brides!

marina lopuga